Creative Workshops

Signs of Life: Art Workshop

in Salmon Arm BC

Saturday June 19 from 9:30-12.

Sign up below!

This year, more than any other in recent memory, we are emerging from a long winter of restriction and isolation. More than other years we are encouraged by signs of life.  The buds on the trees seem more important.  The flowers in bloom are more enticing.  The sounds of the birds are more cheerful.  Reminders that seasons still obey the rhythms of creation and we can trust that things will come around again.  

What a fantastic sight the Magnolia blossoms are each Spring.

What a fantastic sight the Magnolia blossoms are each Spring.

A seed lingers in the dark of the soil, separated from the warmth of the sunlight.  In this dark lonely place, it breaks open and is destroyed as the new root and plant take shape.  The beginning of a flamboyant flower is this lonely dark hibernation.  The decimation of the seed is the necessary precursor for the show of beauty that follows.

Preparing watercolour paper for some exploration in the studio.  This is the stage when we don’t know yet what will happen.  Getting ready enlarges the sense of anticipation.

Preparing watercolour paper for some exploration in the studio. This is the stage when we don’t know yet what will happen. Getting ready enlarges the sense of anticipation.

I guess it seems fitting then, that as we are emerging from the winter of an incredibly challenging year, it has sometimes felt like we’ve been stuck in a dark place. Spring has dragged on in my province as the opening of businesses and regular social life was prolonged due to a third pandemic wave. But summer is coming with all its promise of hope, time outdoors, and gathering with people once again.

Making marks as a beginning of a background.  One of the sections from the preparations pictured above.

Making marks as a beginning of a background. One of the sections from the preparations pictured above.

A seed is great.  A seed is valuable.  But it’s real merit, where it truly excels is in the growing and flowering of the plant held within it. 

Moving from tight rigid spaces to freedom and energy is something I have found is reflected in my art work. This movement is also a shift from fear to bravery, from keeping things closed to being open for possibility.  It’s something I have only recently become more conscious of trying to work out in my art.  

Working on backgrounds for mini floral artworks.  Work in Progress.  Using all kinds of tools to keep from being too strict and structured.

Working on backgrounds for mini floral artworks. Work in Progress. Using all kinds of tools to keep from being too strict and structured.

If you too are eager for signs of life.  If you are hoping to find more freedom and joy in life and creativity then I’d like to invite you to make art together with me. 

Mixed Media floral combination of painting and drawing.  After the layers of colour are added in.

Mixed Media floral combination of painting and drawing. After the layers of colour are added in.

I’m leading a workshop in exploring making marks with different tools and materials.  We’ll use plants and natural objects to practice drawing from observation with fluidity and freedom.  Maybe we’ll even find joy in the process. 

Detail of magnolia painting. Mixed media painting and drawing.

For now, art workshops will be held in person in Salmon Arm, BC.  If your distance prohibits your attendance, I know you’ll be able to find another way of seeking beauty right where you are.

Finished floral exploration.  Mixed Media combination of drawing and painting.

Finished floral exploration. Mixed Media combination of drawing and painting.

Signs of Life: Art Workshop in Salmon Arm BC, Saturday June 19 from 9:30-12.

Sign up below!

We’ll do some mark making, drawing, and working with water based paints for this one. All based on drawing from natural objects with freedom and fluidity. No experience necessary :) I’ll provide all the supplies, flora and fauna.

Coming this summer two more creative workshops!

July 14: Green is Gold. Explore techniques in oil painting and colour theory as you peruse the grounds of PerSue Flower Farm.

August 22: Botanical Flower Casting. Learn the art of plaster casting as well as how to properly cut fresh flowers at Persue Flower Farm.


Exhibition: In Dialogue with Vivian Lindoe


My Top 5 Tools for Making Your Mark